Our contribution to the SDG's
Join our mission to reduce the single-use Plastic waste cycle and
lets contribute to a healthier Earth
A unique selection off extreme powerful hygienic products for basic daily Health Care solutions.
These products are specially designed and tailored to match the needs in different environments where every Child and Adult has the right to access daily clean water, sanitation facility's and Personal Hygienic Care.
Our SDG Goals selected products are free of toxic elements and packed in certified home compostable packagings.
Every day, more than 800 children under five years of age die from causes related to related to poor hygienic conditions. Diarrhea (rotavirus), cholera, typhoid and polio are just a few examples of preventable infectious diseases.

The unique designed products are save for mother nature. Our Microplastics FREE packaging's and vegetable inks used are fully compostable and will not negatively affect water.
Our ingredients are carefully selected and are save for humans, animals and Mother Nature. So even after using our products and returning them to nature, it will not affect the quality of water below us.
Waterless Concepts: Use only water when needed is a basic rule we use for designing our products.
Our products are the answer to the unnecessary pile of plastic waste caused by today's cleaning and cosmetic products.
These products generally contain more than
80% water. What if we add our own water rather than ship it around the world in plastic bottles?
Time for a change!

We believe in our bottle for life and refill concept. Let’s reduce the amount of plastic packaging and the unnecessary transport and storage of water!
We identify and measure indicators related to emission savings and ECO-footprint.
Almost half of all plastics produced worldwide is used as packaging material. And about 40% of all plastic products are thrown away within one month. That’s a shame as globally only 5% of the waste is recycled, 12% is incinerated and 83% is ending up as waste directly in the environment or on landfill. But also on landfill it will be flushed away into rivers and finally into the ocean, degrading into microplastics.
We offer a range of waterless refill powders with nature-friendly ingredients in plastic free packaging. Our ingredients are fully biodegradable and will hence not pollute the aquatic environment, so also in that respect our products are safe for life below water.

An unacceptable amount of plastic is ending up in our oceans, but the reality is that the fields where our crops grow are 4 to 23 times more heavily polluted with microplastics than the oceans.
Microplastics that are intentionally added to ingredients in the majority of toiletries and cosmetics flow from our bathrooms into sewers. The sewer sludge, with plastic and all, is later spread on the land as fertilizer. Recent research shows that microplastics are absorbed by vegetables and fruit, and thus end up on our plates.
Our products do not contain any microplastics.
We collaborate with and support partners who strive for the same social objectives